
A housechurch is a small group that meets for study, worship, prayer and fellowship. New Hope truly seeks to be a “community” church, one that emphasizes relationships and fellowship as a crucial aspect of our faith. That being said, we consider housechurch groups to be at least as important as the Sunday morning experience, if not more so.

Because we live, work, play, and go to school in areas all throughout the Baltimore region, we want to be a church that encourages Jesus-followers to be incarnational in the communities in which they are doing life through service to their community. And that’s especially important where our housechurches are concerned. It’s anticipated that each group would exercise the freedom to be involved in these communities, through a variety of capacities, as it makes sense for them to do so.

You can get more information on specific New Hope Housechurches by contacting the leaders below:

New Hope Currently has five housechurches in operation for 2024.